This way the DB2 class loader will reload the JAR file with the new contents and use it at run time. 这样,DB2类装载器将在运行时重新装载具有新内容的JAR文件并且使用新内容。
The example uses a lazy initialization approach and caches a reference to the Public Key from the CA Certificate to avoid the need to reload it each time the handler is invoked. 该实例使用滞后初始化的方案并缓存CA证书中的公共密匙的引用来避免每次处理程序调用时都要重新加载它。
Applications placed in the deploy directory are hot-loaded, enabling Geronimo to reload the application at run time when changes are made. 放置在deploy目录下的应用程序是热加载的,当发生更改时,Geronimo能够在运行时重新加载应用程序。
It makes Web pages seem more responsive by exchanging small amounts of data with the server, behind the scenes, so the entire Web page doesn't have to reload each time the user requests a change. 它在幕后与服务器交换少量数据,这样就不必在用户每次发出请求时都重新装载整个Web页面,从而使Web页面显得响应性更好。
Remember, you need to reload the function each time you try. 请记住,每次试验时都需要重新装入函数。
A characteristic of an Ajax application is that it will not cause an entire page to reload each time. Ajax应用程序的一个特征是,不会导致一次重新加载整个页面。
After you delete the security metadata associated with the cube, instruct the Cube Servers that make the cube available to reload security if they are running at the time of the delete. 删除与多维数据集关联的安全元数据后,指示使多维数据集可用的CubeServers重新加载安全(如果它们在删除时正在运行的话)。
Callers cannot rely on the reload happening immediately; the designer loader can schedule this for some other time, or it can try to reload the designer at once. 调用方不能指望重新加载立即发生;设计器加载程序可以将此重新加载安排在其他时间,也可以尝试立即重新加载设计器。
Reload a new certificate revocation list or check your system data and time. 请重新装入一个新的证书撤消列表或检查您的系统日期和时间。
So controlling reload time and reactant concentration is very important. 因此控制装填时间和反应物浓度至关重要。